Paracetamol is widely used over the counter medicine (available without prescription) for the treatment of fever and pain. It was discovered in 1877 A.D. Let’s know some facts about paracetamol before taking it!
1. Usual safe adult dose of paracetamol in tablet form is 500mg at a time up to four times in 24 hours. We should always leave at least four hours between two doses.
2. Paracetamol is safe to take under pregnancy and breast feeding under recommended doses. It’s better to take the lowest dose of paracetamol that works for the pregnant and breastfeeding women for the shortest possible time.

3. Person who had an allergic reaction to paracetamol or other medicines in past should consult physician before taking paracetamol.
4. Person with liver or kidney problem should consult doctor before taking paracetamol because there would be risk of renal impairment, hepatorenal syndrome, and gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
5. Alcoholic person shouldn’t take paracetamol as both alcohol and paracetamol are metabolized in liver, taking paracetamol and alcohol together leads to hepatotoxicity and even death.
6. Person taking epilepsy medicines, tuberculosis medicine or blood-thinner warfarin shouldnot take paracetamol because risk of liver damage can increases.
7.Herbal medicine “St John’s wort” (herbal remedy taken for depression) should not be taken with paracetamol as interaction and paracetamol poisoning occurs.
9. Paracetamol can be taken with food or in an empty stomach too.
10. When taken in tablet form, it takes about 37 minutes to start working.
11. Paracetamol is extremely poisonous to cats as they lack UGT1A6 enzyme to break it down safely.
12. Paracetamol is poisonous to snakes due to which it has been used as chemical to control invasive brown tree snake.

very informative, great article